Bob Collum main promo
‘’Go West young man! And so they did. Except for one guy, Bob Collum. He went East."

Born in Oklahoma, the now Essex-based Bob Collum is a self-proclaimed Anglophile since his teenage years. Raised by his grandparents on the likes of Bob Wills and The Carter Family, Collum quickly embraced the sonic-fusion of transatlantic influences brought through the ongoing ripple effect of The Beatles. What results is a combination of these influences in his own artistic output; home-grown, transatlantic and British are all evident on his latest album ‘This Heart Will Self Destruct’.

It may be a broad church to embrace everything from early influences of rockabilly to power pop, however Collum’s palette seamlessly embraces these as if they were corners of the same coin, culminating into a diversity of genres and sounds, in a variety that gels cohesively.

Collum and The Welfare Mothers’ music has received critical acclaim in the likes of Uncut, Americana UK and The Independent. ‘This Heart Will Self Destruct’ is out now via Fretsore Records and features the singles “From Birmingham”, “Saved” and “Parachute”.

“If you’re a fan of the likes of classic rock’n’roll and 60’s beat, The Skeletons, The Moseleys and Robbie Fulks you’ll love this, I did.”

“A brand of Americana viewed through an exile‘s perspective."